We Have Architects!

Once we purchased our house the magnitude of the renovation quickly became clear. This is no DIY project -- we needed professional help.

In addition to getting help to think through the design and layout of the home, we want to make sure we are true to the history of the house. While we like modern design, this house calls for a marriage between traditional and contemporary (putting a glass staircase in the center of this house would be a travesty). We aren't planning on entirely stripping out the interior, but we need help thinking through how to make the space feel more modern, while also acknowledging its Victorian-ness.

With that in mind, we talked to a few architects and ultimately hired Hill & Hurtt, a young, local firm that focuses on renovating rowhomes. We met with Eric and Josh for a few hours in February to discuss the project and immediately felt like they understood our vision and priorities. 

Hill & Hurtt provide an array of architectural services that help drive renovations from concept through permitting and then beyond permitting by helping with interior finishing choices and project management. For now we have engaged them to help us through the permitting stage and we could not be more excited to work with them. 

Last week, we kicked off the design process when Eric and Josh came over to measure the house from top to bottom. They spent about 4 hours at the house - Josh with a measuring tape and Eric sketching the house and capturing all the information with a red pen.

While we wanted to leave them to their work, it was hard not to listen to them discuss the house and its quirks. Needless to say, even this initial step has us excited. It was so cool to see our house's floor plan captured on paper and to have some of our questions answered, like, how tall are our ceilings? (11.5 feet!)

In a few weeks, Hill & Hurtt will come back to us with concept drawings for each floor that show options for how we could re-design the home. Check back here for updates ;P - J & K