House Tour: Pre-reno Entrance

Before we tear up the house, we want to make sure to document it in its pre-reno state. So please, come on through the door - welcome to our home! 

This is what you see when you enter the house - a closed off living room to the right and a stairwell and kitchen up ahead.  

The home served as a boarding house for much of its history, and the house definitely feels as if it has been lived in. The floors are scuffed beyond repair and seem constantly dirty, though we have cleaned them ad nauseam. The taupe/grey floor paint is a color choice that has not aged well, particularly with all the scrapes.

In the ceiling right before the kitchen is the hallway lighting fixture, which elicits both fascination and concern on the part of all guests who enter. Come, take a closer look: 

That's right, the ceiling lamp is plugged into a multi-outlet plug in the ceiling, much like a normal lamp plugged into a regular outlet in the wall might be. Don't ask us why, we have no answers. The electrical socket is surrounded by patched ceiling and dried leak spots, which we have been assured are OLD leaks and not anything we should be alarmed about now (electricity and water go well together, right?). 

Finally, one of our favorite things about the house is something you see upon leaving - the EXIT sign! The exit sign is another of the last vestiges of the property's boarding house history. Luckily, it still lights up! We are pretty sold on keeping it and work it into our design - what do you think? 

Check back next week for more touring - J & K.