Reno Update!

It has been over a month since we last checked in on the blog, but that doesn't mean work has stopped at the house. On the contrary, things have been very busy! For most of April and May, the house was in various forms of disarray - there was a lot happening, but not all of it was super visible. In the last few weeks, however, things have really started to change - let's review!

1. We passed our HVAC, plumbing, and electric inspections for the top three floors!

April and May were the months to work on the guts of the house - HVAC, plumbing, electric, AV - all the internal pieces that ultimately get covered up by drywall but that are incredibly important to get right. Mastercraft Solutions, our contractor, had a great team and we were able to pass inspection on the first three floors of the house (don't ask us about the basement for now, please).

2. The skylights are in!

One of the most exciting developments of the last two weeks is that our new skylights are in!! It's just in time too because it has been raining non-stop in DC for the last week and a half.  

One of our favorite details in the house is the skylight at the top of the central staircase. The old skylight was covered by dirt, which prevented the light from filtering through the house (check out the before photos above). That is no longer the case! The above picture is from a grey day, but the light coming through helped brighten the upper two floors of the house. We couldn't be happier.

3. We have recessed lighting!

Passing the electric inspection means that we have recessed lighting!! There is still more work to do on the lighting front, but it is so exciting to be able to turn on the lights in the kitchen. 

4. We have dry wall!

Finally, one of the most visible changes of the past few days is drywall. Having passed inspection, we could hide all the wires behind smooth walls. We never realized how quickly drywall went up - the team hung drywall for almost the entire house in a two-day period. We'll put up more before/after pics later this week so you can see all the changes.