
The tenants over the years didn't quite treat this house with the love or care it deserves, so it is not surprising that we have some fluttering friends around the house. We have been in our home for about two months now and, since day one, have been dealing with moths. Like, a whole lot of moths.

Friends, the moths are finally getting to us.

You open a closet, a moth flies out, You open a kitchen cabinet, a moth flies out. You host a house warming party, and moths are flying over the heads of the guests. Enough already, moths - we get it, this is your home too. But also, seriously, enough already. 

The moths are slow moving and easy to kill with your hands - we have become experts at hand-to-hand moth killing - but it isn't enough.  We are averaging 3 moths killed per day (3 mkpd) to little or no effect.  It's time for a more permanent solution.

But that's not to say we have one.  Soo, like, does anyone have any ideas? We know you can buy moth balls, but we aren't ready or willing to smell like moth ball people (although time will tell).  We've read that lavender may work and we've heard we need to vacuum a lot but, anything else? I've read that if you can see the moths, then they aren't the type that eat your clothes, so I'm hoping that our clothes will not fall victim, but I cannot promise we won't show up to work with holes in our sweaters. 

We are taking any and all recommendations and remedies and promise to update everyone if we find something that works! - J & K