Tile Talk

Inspiration from top to bottom/left to right:  popham design; David Pompa studioann sacks; cle tile; @kibak_tilecle tile

Guys, I hate to break it to you, but it's time to talk tile. A lot of tile orders take 6-8 weeks to ship so we need to make decisions and put orders in ASAP if we want to stay on schedule. I'm not going to lie, the process of choosing tile is stressful (#firstworldproblems, I know). We have three bathrooms, a kitchen backsplash, and an entry-way vestibule we need to pick tile for. Finding a tile we both agree on, that is in our budget (or, you know, near our budget), and that we know we will like for the foreseeable future is daunting. 

Our color palette is going to be very white-focused and we don't anticipate painting our walls any bright colors. As a result, we have been thinking of ways we can add patterns or color to the bathrooms. 

Kyle and I have spent the last month's worth of Saturdays in tile shops and hours upon hours on Pinterest - all the tiles above have been in contention at one point or another, though some have been shot down by our architects (and here we thought our taste was unassailable!). 

From our research, patterns can be limited to the floor, limited to the wall, or run from the floor up the wall (some examples are below). What do you guys think? Any tile here that you love or hate? Let us know before we make a mistake that we can't take back!

- J & K