House Tour: Pre-reno Kitchen

Next up in the house tour: the kitchen.

Not to be missed, the bright turquoise floors are the original floors from 1875! JK, JK, the floors, along with Christmas lights you'll see lining the room in the pictures below, are a design choice of past tenants.  We've left them in place to try to maintain some of the festiveness.

While the floor color is a more modern innovation, the windows are an older vintage.  These single pane beauties only somewhat work in their current 2017 state, but provide stunning light throughout the day. (One of the two windows even still opens, a big win in our book.)

The kitchen is at the back of the house and, at the moment, it's a little closed off from the hallway and main stairwell. The yellow wall you see is the wall to the living room and you'll notice the front door right at the edge of this photo.

You may have also noticed the washer and dryer. While it's not ideal, we have found that having laundry in the kitchen isn't as bad as it seems, but we hope to be able to move it upstairs once renovations get underway.

The fireplace in the kitchen is also original, although it isn't currently functional. Our neighbors tell us that underneath all the paint is a white marble front, which we still can't get over - who paints over marble?? I mean, seriously.

The kitchen was updated in the past few years, so we are lucky to have well functioning appliances. However, the kitchen poses some real challenges as we begin to think about renovation.  

Most importantly, we will really need to consider storage solutions. The cabinets above account for pretty much all of the storage space in the room as currently constructed.  As a result, we have a lot of kitchen wares that are just chilling in boxes in our basement. The other quirky thing is that the internet/tv cable to our home only exists in the kitchen. It comes in through the kitchen window, up behind the stove (seems safe, right?) and into our kitchen cabinet. You can see the internet modem sitting in the cupboard to the right of the stove (a traditional location for cable modems).

Lots to think about in revamping this space.  Feel free to share your ideas.  More to come later!

-- J&K